Aerospace Controls Laboratory

Recent News

ACL Alum to fly F-35

ACL alum Chris Shannon (S.M. 2016) graduated pilot training and is off to learn to fly the F-35!

ACL at NIPS 2017 and AAMAS 2018!

ACL members (Nikita Jaipuria and Shayegan Omidshafiei) presented 2 papers at NIPS 2017 workshops. The follow-up paper by Shayegan Omidshafiei on reinforcement learning was accepted to AAMAS 2018 as a full talk.


Four papers accepted to ICRA 2018

Kris, Brett, Nghia, and Kasra got their papers accepted! Good work!


Jackal, the Socially-Aware Robot, Featured on Discovery Channel, Reuters

See recent interviews of PhD student Michael Everett on his socially-aware robot that can navigate through pedestrian crowds.

Reuters, Discovery Channel, Paper